Sunday, February 26, 2012

When Bad Christians Happen to Good People

Now, here's a book worth buying and reading (which I did,... and I am) just because of its TITLE!  As an aspiring copywriter acutely aware of the power of a good headline, I always appreciate it when a book title -- just like the well-thought-out, impactful headline of an ad (that is also, hopefully, well-thought-out and impactful) -- gets my attention and makes me want to read more.

My pastor spoke briefly about this book, When Bad Christians Happen to Good People, authored by Dave Burchett (2nd ed., 2011), today when he announced that it will be the subject of his next scheduled "Book Talk" discussion, Tuesday, March 20, 2012.

Immediately after the 10:30 service this morning, I went to the church's bookstore and bought myself a copy.  I've been thumbing through it.  The subtitle of the book is every bit as compelling as the main title: "Where We Have Failed Each Other and How to Reverse the Damage."

The book is divided into three sections.  Part I is: "Silencing the Lambs / The Indefensible Things We Do to One Another."  Part II is: "Why Won't Those Heathens Listen? / Thoughts on How We Lost Our Audience."  Part III is: "Reality-Based Faith for Survivors / Being Real in an Artificial World."

I won't give away all the chapter headings, but they're witty and wise just like the main section headings.  A few examples are: "The Unfriendliest Club in Town?" "WJSHTOT? (Would Jesus Spend His Time on This?)" "CSL: Christian as a Second Language" "All God's Children Got Souls, Even the Annoying Ones" 

Great stuff!

The book is 222 pages of conscience-jabbing, light-hearted but serious-minded analysis, diagnosis and prognosis, followed by a study guide and a brief section of footnotes and recommended resources. With the frontal matter included (table of contents, acknowledgments, introduction), 256 pages total.

I will review and share with you some of my impressions of the book in later posts.  

But, first, I'm gonna READ IT...

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Honoring God in Your Finances

This was preached on Sunday, January 8, 2012 at Redemption Church - Gilbert.  It was Tom's first sermon of the new year, on the subject of money and finance.  Not an appeal for money and donations to Redemption Church!  Rather, a message on us Christians getting the right, i.e., BIBLICAL perspective on money. Who actually owns it vs. who is allowed to temporarily possess it (us) -- how to earn it, how to spend it, how to invest it (along with all the OTHER resources he gives us to develop, including human) for the work and good of the Kingdom of God on earth.

There's even a bonus -- a video within a video, teaching within a teaching -- to augment and reinforce the message (very effectively, I might add).

Honoring God in Your Finances from Redemption Church on Vimeo.

HINT: This video may play a little more smoothly if you turn off "HD" mode.  Hover over the blue HD graphic and click on it.  See if that helps!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

A Christmas Testimony: Newness of Life in the Face of Death

On Friday, December 23rd, a retired South African minister by the name of Dr. Francis Nigel Lee died in Australia (where he lived) at the age of 77.

Dr. Lee offered a stirring account of how God in 1994 used him to bring salvation to a man who only days before had been arrested for the robbery and murder of Dr. Lee's own 85-year-old father in his home in South Africa.

Here is his personal testimony of what happened, as the event unfolded.  It's a perfect example of what the Christmas story is really about.  The reason why Jesus came to this earth, to be born of a virgin, and to die.  It is what biblical Christianity is all about: the power of God to convert an unregenerate, lost sinner, to open his eyes, grant him repentance, give him a new heart and a new mind, and give him everlasting life and joy and peace, by grace through faith.

I've read this testimony once before.  It is as moving and powerful to me now as it was the first time I read it...


The Sovereignty of God in the Salvation of My Father's Slayer

By the Rev. Prof. Dr. F. N. Lee
In April 1994, I was invited to fly round the world and expound the Lord's Prayer in the U. S. A. during September. Having acquired the plane ticket, as an only child I was much looking forward to visiting my parents in Barrydale (near Swellendam in South Africa) on my way from Australia to America. 
However, in July 1994, my father (almost 86) was robbed and left for dead in his home. My mother (having lost her mind and the use of some of her bodily functions) was permanently hospitalised. One week after being assaulted, my father died in hospital and went to be with the Lord.
Upon my arrival in South Africa in September, I headed for Swellendam (where my mother is still in hospital). There, I was amazed that the police had apprehended a young man in connection with the death of my father, and that the young man had signed a statement alleging that he alone had attacked my father. I also learned that my father, before dying, had given a description to the police of the young man (which description is altogether in harmony with the appearance of the accused) and that the latter was being held in jail precisely in Swellendam, while awaiting his preliminary trial just one week after my own arrival there. 
I immediately contacted the jail, requesting permission to come and speak to the accused (of whom it is alleged that he had killed also someone else even before attacking my father). The police warmly supported my request, but informed me the accused had the right to refuse to see me. He, however, being told who I was, agreed and even requested to meet with me. 
On the 15th of September I went to the jail, where I was told to surrender my camera and tape-recorder and any firearms I may have been carrying. I was escorted to a room where three armed policemen and their officer were doing clerical work. One minute later, the accused was brought through the door into the room and stood there in front of me. 
He was a strongly-built medium-sized man, answering exactly to the description given by my father to the police. He stood there, just looking down at the ground. I silently prayed to God for guidance as to what to do next. Then I got up from my chair; addressed him politely by his full name; greeted him with a handshake; thanked him sincerely for granting me the interview; and requesting him to sit down before I again did so. 
I then said: "Mr. W., are you getting enough to eat here?" He replied: "Yes, thank you." I said: "Have you peace of mind here?" He replied: "Sir, I am very unhappy. I have been praying to God in my cell for the last three nights, but it's as if my prayers bounce back off the ceiling and don't get through." 
I then said: "Mr. W., I am the only child of the old man who was left for dead behind the front door of his house in Barrydale on the 10th of July whom you are accused of having assaulted. I had been looking forward to spending a week with him in September, but as you can see this is now impossible." The young man nodded; looked down; and said nothing. 
I then continued: "Mr. W., my father was not a Christian many years ago, but there came a time in his life when he turned from his sins and received Jesus as his Lord and Saviour. That is why he is now in heaven, and waiting for me to join him. 
"I assure you Mr. W., that if you make your peace with God – whether you die right now of a heart attack; or are to be put to death for murder; or die naturally later on – you too will go to heaven. I also assure you that my father, whom you are accused of having murdered, will then be the first to welcome you there. However, Mr. W., if you do not repent and if you die in your sins, I assure you that you will spend eternity in hell-fire and damnation forever! 
"Mr. W., whether you repent and become a Christian, or you harden yourself and die in your sins, know for sure that if found guilty by the court I would want you to receive the maximum penalty. 
"I will plead no leniency whatsoever for you, even if you become a Christian, but I am offering you everlasting life in heaven after you die, if you will repent and come to Jesus. 
"Mr. W., three men died on a little hill called Calvary. Two were guilty robbers; but the One in the middle, the Lord Jesus, was innocent. Robbers, as you know, include those who go around beating up old people and leaving them for dead after stealing from them. Both of those robbers jeered at the innocent Jesus crucified between them. 
"But then one of the robbers repented, turned to the other, and said: 'We are being condemned justly. For we are receiving the punishment due, for our deeds. But this man (Jesus) has done nothing amiss!' Then the penitent robber said to Jesus: 'Lord, remember me when You come into Your kingdom!' So Jesus said: 'Truly, I tell you, today you shall be with me in paradise!' 
"Mr. W., do you not see yourself as one of those two robbers next to Jesus on Calvary? Will you die in your sins and go to hell like the impenitent robber? Or will you, like the other robber, repent of your sins; receive Jesus as your Lord; and be assured by Him that you will go to heaven when you die 
"Mr. W., if you wish, I will leave this jail right now. But if you prefer, I would be privileged to show you right now how you too can become a Christian. Which is it to be?" 
Mr. W. then tried to look in my eye. He said: "Sir, would you please show me how to become a Christian?" I then realised that the four policemen in the room had all put down their pens; had stopped working; and were straining their ears, listening to us. So I said: "Officer, could you kindly get us a Bible?" 
The officer went galloping out of the room, and immediately returned with a Bible and put it on my lap with great respect. I opened it at John 3:16, and asked Mr. W. if he could read. When he so indicated, I handed him the Bible, and asked him to read it. Loudly and clearly, he read it out, and then said: "I am too big a sinner!" But I replied: "Mr. W., it says here: 'whosoever'; and that includes you too, if and when you put your trust in Jesus."
The atmosphere was electric. All in that room felt the awesome presence of God the Holy Ghost. The silence was terrifying. Then I said: "Mr. W., will you come to Jesus?" He replied: "I will!" 
So, two wicked hell-deserving sinners Rev. Prof. Dr. Nigel Lee and his father's slayer Mr. W., then went down on their knees in that jail together. I put my arm around his shoulder, and prayed first. I thanked God for our meeting; (re)confessed all my own fresh sins to the Lord; and then asked Him to have mercy on Mr. W., for Christ's sake. 
Mr. W. then prayed. He said: "Lord, I'm a miserable sinner! Please don't let Satan destroy me! I am sorry for all my sins. Forgive me, for the sake of Jesus who died for people like me!" 
We then got off our knees. I assured him: "Mr. W., if you really meant that, you are now my brother. In that case, here is my right hand of fellowship. I will help you in any way I can. Here is my address in Australia. If you write to me, I promise to reply to every letter you may write, for the rest of my life. When is your trial?" 
He replied: "Thursday 22nd September." I promised to pray for him on that day (when I would be overseas), that justice would be done and that he would continue to receive God's grace whatever the outcome. I then again shook his hand and left the jail to the astonishment of both the grateful police and the bewildered convicts there who just kept on staring at me in amazement. 
Driving back to Barrydale, I praised God and sang His Psalms the whole time – realizing anew that God is not dead but very much alive on this great planet earth. For God had revived my soul – and, I trust, those of all in that room in the jail. 
Four days later, I visited the jail again. This time Mr. W. was waiting for me with a smile. He had been reading the Bible since I last saw him, and claimed to have peace. I urged him to speak to the other prisoners about what had happened to him; to tell the full truth at his trial. 
I also urged him to work and witness for the Lord for the rest of his earthly life (be it short or long). He then prayed for both of us; thanked God for my visits; and boldly asked the Lord to bless me wherever I went (that same day to England, and thereafter to America).
God heard his prayer. In London, the Lord spoke powerfully even through my there relating the above events. In America, the effect was electrifying, and the tape-recording of my account is spreading like wildfire and producing awesome enquires and results. I used it there, as an illustration, while preaching on the fifth petition in the Lord's Prayer: "And forgive men their debts, as we forgive our debtors!" 
My fellow sinner, how stands it with your soul? Are you certain you are right with God for time and eternity? For Jesus assures us: "If you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses!" 
O that God would melt the heavens and come down, and touch and revive His hard-nosed children here on earth! Do you have the certainty that all your sins have been forgiven, for Christ's sake? If not, settle this matter forthwith! 
Sincerely in the Lord's service, from a sinner saved by grace 
(Rev. Prof. Dr.) F. N. Lee, 
Queensland Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Ret.
Brisbane, Australia.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Why the Christian Faith is Really a Covenant

In some non-reformed circles, Christianity tends to be a man-initiated, man-centered arrangement.  A private transaction.  A deal struck between the Holy Spirit, the Father and "the prospective Gospel recipient." A bargain negotiated with the consent of both parties (God and man) with the expectation that the "acceptee" will be entitled to certain rights, privileges and benefits -- all of which are highly desirable, and worth a lot more than what the world esteems as "valuable" -- things which, in fact, are priceless.  Like eternal life, peace with God, assurance of everlasting happiness, and total, utter fulfillment of our human existence in the world to come, the promise of a vibrant, living, personal relationship with the Creator God of the universe in this world, etc..

Well, I can tell you from personal experience -- and from my reading of the Bible -- you do get all of the above.  But, it is GOD who initiates it, not man.  God sets it in motion, man, by God's grace, receives it through faith (Heb. 11, Eph. 2).  Man is the beneficiary and the subject of it, but it is GOD who does all the "heavy lifting" necessary to ratify, enforce and make effectual this special covenant of his grace.

And none of this happens casually or informally.  God binds himself with an oath and a solemn promise: a promise to perform all that is necessary to make it happen.  And he employs a rather graphic, "hands-on," too-real-to-ignore visual to illustrate just how solemn and severe the matter really is, as Tim Maughan relates in his message last Sunday at Redemption Church - Gilbert, on God's Covenants.  The ritual slaying of a live animal, the verbal pronouncements over and between the parted remnants of it, all symbolize emphatically just what is at stake.  The immortal souls of God's children, which cannot be redeemed, the Scripture says, without the shedding of blood.  The salvation of his people.  The rescue of the human race.  That's what is at stake.  The Fall in the Garden was the problem.  God's sovereign, unmerited, voluntarily instigated redemption of sinful man is the solution.  HIS solution.  From beginning to end.  GOD is the Author and Finisher of our faith, in every way, shape, manner and form.

This is another powerful and exhilarating example of the simplicity and perfection of the Gospel when it is applied by God's Spirit to the minds and hearts of those whom he chooses.

I encourage you to watch this video in its entirety.  The truth and beauty of God's Word are plain enough for even the most "doctrinally challenged" among us to see and understand (and believe)....

Doctrine #6- Covenant: God Pursues from Redemption Church on Vimeo.

Thank you, Tim.  For your awesome preaching (and teaching!).

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

How God Used a Little Book Called 'Power for Living' to Save Me 28 Years Ago

Most of you have probably never heard of a little book called Power for Living.  It was first published in 1983 -- the year President Ronald Reagan declared as "the Year of the Bible" -- and ran through several editions through 1998.

The first edition came out in October of 1983.  That's the edition I read, and that was when I read it.  The book had been commissioned by the Arthur S. DeMoss Foundation, to celebrate the Year of the Bible, and was published by American Vision.

It was advertised on TV and in magazine ads at the time, so my mom ordered a free copy.  It arrived and sat around the house for a few days.  Maybe a few weeks.  But eventually I picked it up.  And I read it.

And I'll tell you right now, it was the evangelistic tool that God used to finally open up my heart and give me the saving faith I needed to take the all-important step of acknowledging my sins, realizing that I was completely incapable of providing for myself what I really needed to get out of the spiritual malaise I was in -- and the eternal misery I was headed for -- and admitting my need for a personal and readily available Savior (whom I already knew was JESUS CHRIST the Lord)!

First Step in a Lifetime Journey

That first step involved doing what every repentant sinner needs to do: ask God for immediate forgiveness of all sins, past, present (and future), and to beg Him for one more chance, an opportunity to "start over fresh" with a new life, which would commence just as soon as I would ask His Son Jesus to be my all-sufficient Redeemer and Lord of my life, and renounce the tyranny of Satan and his "reign of error" that I had, until that moment, voluntarily placed myself under.

It's not an understatement to say that reading that book and doing what it said totally changed my life.  Forever.

Deja Worldview

Why do I mention Power for Living now, almost 28 years later?

Well, because it's a good example of how God seemingly uses an isolated event in your life to bring you to saving faith and knowledge of Him, and then, months or perhaps years later, He brings you to a place where you come "full circle" with that event, and reconnects you with it somehow. 

Let me explain.  But, first, a little background.

Power for Living, Extreme Makeover

The first edition of Power for Living was written by a team of authors that, I later learned, were Calvinistic in their theology.  Which means the book reflected a "Reformed" view of salvation, discipleship and Christian living, one that was God-centered, comprehensive and systematic in its approach to helping the new believer cultivate and nurture a "biblical-worldview" as part of this life of walking with Christ.

Well, for whatever reason, the tone and content of the book didn't sit well with some of the folks who were underwriting the Power for Living project, so that first edition was scrapped.  The book was then completely (and quickly) rewritten by a different author -- with a more Arminian, evangelistic tone and focus -- and a second edition was issued (one month after the first one) in November 1983.  And to my knowledge this "revised version" became the basis for all subsequent edtions of the book.)

Full Circle to a Full-Orbed Faith

The prevailing perspective in evangelical Christianity back then was (and still mostly is) Arminian.  So, consequently, that was the first "school of Christ" I encountered and embraced as a new believer.

But, after my walk with God had passed through its first six or seven years, I lost my taste for man-centered, Arminian theology and was drawn to the more satisfying, biblically consistent doctrines of Reformed theology, mainly because of its unsentimental yet deeply devotional quality and its Christ-centered, sovereign-God-honoring, practical approach to Christianity.

After a few years of being a Reformed Christian, I came to discover that THREE out of the FIVE authors who originally wrote that first edition of Power for Living -- David Chilton, Gary DeMar and Ray Sutton -- were Calvinist writers that I had become familiar with and highly respected -- YEARS after I had unwittingly read their book!

Lesson Learned

Sometimes, God uses a moment like that in our lives to "lock us in" to our faith, and then He brings us back to it later on, somehow, to use as a spiritual reference point to gauge "how we're doing" and whether or not we've grown in grace and in our knowledge of Him.

And revisiting the roots of my "salvation experience" along with the origins of the book God used to bring that about, causes me to appreciate even more, his sovereign working in my life, and maybe explains why I sort of "came home" to the Reformed faith after spending a few years trying to find a theological safe haven for myself.  But, enough about me. It's all about HIM!

For More Information...

If you're interested in learning more about this obscure little book I've been talking about, here's a helpful article on the nearly three-decades-long history of Power for Living.

Update: it looks like the book is no longer available from the Arthur DeMoss Foundation, but you can find it used at and through other online resellers.

My prayer is that God will continue to use this little book however He sees fit, to bring other sons and daughters to glory in Christ in the same mysterious way He did me, and enable those of us, unworthy sinners whom He has called and chosen to be redeemed by His grace, to glorify and enjoy Him forever!