Sunday, March 20, 2011

Warning Against Worldliness: James Ch. 4

Last Sunday, my pastor Tom Shrader (Redemption Church, Gilbert) continued preaching on the book of James.

Here's the video of his message, James 4:1-12:

James #9 - Warning Against Wordliness from Redemption Church on Vimeo.

A key theme that Tom talks about, which runs through the entire book of James, is that if we've been redeemed and saved by grace through Jesus Christ and our hearts have been changed and our minds have been changed and we have the Holy Spirit dwelling within us, then our lives should (and will) "look" differently from the world.

So, if we find ourselves constantly caught up in quarrels, arguments and conflicts with others -- spouse, co-worker, overly sensitive gym rat (one of Tom's illustrations!) -- clearly the problem is with us, not with them!

The Word of God (as James says) is like a mirror to show us how we REALLY are, not how we think we are.  (Here, take a look!....)

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