
Thanks for taking time to stop by and visit Redeemed and Reformed.

My goal for this blog is pretty simple: to glorify God and (help you and me) enjoy him forever! Also to look at the various ways of applying the Christian faith to ALL of life in a practical and meaningful way.

I'll try to do that in two ways:
  1. By highlighting the magnificence, holiness, goodness and love of God that He manifests in His wonderful Gospel of free grace of forgiveness of sins and redemption and newness of life through faith in His Son Jesus Christ,
  2. And directing your attention to the incomparable WISDOM, majesty and beauty of God's Word, highlighting biblically-based resources, teachings and documents that can help you discover the myriad ways God's Word applies to every and all areas of life, helping you to draw closer to Him, conform you more and more to the image of His Son, draw others to Himself through you, and be a part of His ongoing work of redemption as He continues to amass a people to Himself and build His Kingdom until His Son Jesus returns. 
That's a tall order, I know.

But, God uses a lot of seemingly insignificant means -- and works through a lot of otherwise seemingly insignificant people (like myself!) -- to carry out His purposes, execute His decrees, and fulfill His Word to the utmost, every minute of every day, all over the world.

And my prayer is that He uses this blog in some small way for His purposes.

So, feel free to peruse what's here because, after all, it's... 

...by His Grace and for His Glory!