In some non-reformed circles, Christianity tends to be a man-initiated, man-centered arrangement. A private transaction. A deal struck between the Holy Spirit, the Father and "the prospective Gospel recipient." A bargain negotiated with the consent of both parties (God and man) with the expectation that the "acceptee" will be entitled to certain rights, privileges and benefits -- all of which are highly desirable, and worth a lot more than what the world esteems as "valuable" -- things which, in fact, are priceless. Like eternal life, peace with God, assurance of everlasting happiness, and total, utter fulfillment of our human existence in the world to come, the promise of a vibrant, living, personal relationship with the Creator God of the universe in this world, etc..
Well, I can tell you from personal experience -- and from my reading of the Bible -- you do get all of the above. But, it is GOD who initiates it, not man. God sets it in motion, man, by God's grace, receives it through faith (Heb. 11, Eph. 2). Man is the beneficiary and the subject of it, but it is GOD who does all the "heavy lifting" necessary to ratify, enforce and make effectual this special covenant of his grace.
And none of this happens casually or informally. God binds himself with an oath and a solemn promise: a promise to perform all that is necessary to make it happen. And he employs a rather graphic, "hands-on," too-real-to-ignore visual to illustrate just how solemn and severe the matter really is, as Tim Maughan relates in his message last Sunday at Redemption Church - Gilbert, on God's Covenants. The ritual slaying of a live animal, the verbal pronouncements over and between the parted remnants of it, all symbolize emphatically just what is at stake. The immortal souls of God's children, which cannot be redeemed, the Scripture says, without the shedding of blood. The salvation of his people. The rescue of the human race. That's what is at stake. The Fall in the Garden was the problem. God's sovereign, unmerited, voluntarily instigated redemption of sinful man is the solution. HIS solution. From beginning to end. GOD is the Author and Finisher of our faith, in every way, shape, manner and form.
This is another powerful and exhilarating example of the simplicity and perfection of the Gospel when it is applied by God's Spirit to the minds and hearts of those whom he chooses.
I encourage you to watch this video in its entirety. The truth and beauty of God's Word are plain enough for even the most "doctrinally challenged" among us to see and understand (and believe)....
Doctrine #6- Covenant: God Pursues from Redemption Church on Vimeo.
Thank you, Tim. For your awesome preaching (and teaching!).